PERGAN MARSHALL We build the chemistry that makes other products more durable, safer, cleaner and more efficient.
ALSCO Alsco provides customers with a superior brand of textile services from a variety of locations throughout North America.
MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL Mondelez International (Formerly Kraft Foods) - A Global Snacks Powerhouse.
KITO CROSBY employees forge load binders, shackles, hooks, turnbuckles, links, rings and other products.
MILLER/HENIFF represents highly skilled, cautious drivers who transport essential liquids and gases all across the US and Canada.
Motion Picture & Theatrical Trade Division represents workers in the motion picture industry including firms that produce feature films and television programs/series.
United Parcel Service - serves more than 240,000 members throughout the US UPS is the single largest employer in the Teamsters. esponsible for ensuring that management abides by the National Master Agreement
TFORCE FREIGHT American freight carrier based in Richmond, Virginia. The company was founded in 1935 as Overnite Transportation. UPS/UPSF
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